Friday, October 26
Ape plan lepas habis belajar?
AK: Gua rase video matlutfi ni mmg terbaek. Real-situation based and funny! ahaha.
Tuesday, October 23
Tulang anda sihat?
Free Bone Health Checks at Sunway Pyramid : 19th–21st Oct.
Okay, nak citer pasal Bone Health Checks. Mula2 tau pasal campaign ni sbb Aidid Marcello punye tweet. Disebabkan aku xde pape plan, aku pon g la ke Sunway. Lama gak xgi sana.
Aku xpernah tau cara dorang cek tulang cmne, But now i know how. Ehehe. *muka berlagak*
Dah siap isi borang semua, masuk je terus. Rupe nya ade mesin nak cek bone strength. What u need to do is that,
1) Buka kasut (kanan atau kiri)
2) Duduk dengan keadaan badan yg tegak
3) Keputusan dah siap
Yeayy! My result is 1.25 (Risiko Rendah)
Okay. Korang mesti xpaham kann? Let me explain.
Indicator start dari -4 (risiko tinggi) sampai +2 (risiko rendah)
Dah abes check semua, sesi consultation lak. Nie list info yang aku dapat masa kat sana:
1) Minum susu setiap hari 4 gelas. Utk susu tggi kalsium macam ANLENE, minum 2 gelas dah mencukupi.
2) Kena sentiasa amalkan bersenam. (3 kali seminggu adalah disarankan)
3) Kurangkan minum air teh dan kopi. (mengandungi kaffein)
4) Sentiasa buat pemeriksaan tulang. (Setahun sekali mencukupi)
Produk ANLENE yg disarankan: Anlene Regular (Chocolate or Creamy Taste). Oh, I would prefer Chocolate. Tasty yummey! ehehe.
AK: Susu coklat die sedap woo. Serius gua xtipu!
Wednesday, August 29
Super "kampung" style!
I love it! Congrats to #pagirockkrew #FlyFM
Gadis pilihan
Ewah ko, tajuk kemain lagi. Kemain kemain. Saje ulang banyak kali.
Ape kriteria gadis pilihan korang??? Aku sebenarnye cam segan bincang tajuk nie secara terbuka. Tp sejak 2 menjak nie, ade beberapa orang duk hint2 kat aku. Tp aku wat derk je. Haha. Sbb pada aku, belum lagi kowt nak pikir pasal kahwin nie. Awek pon xde, nak kahwin lagi la. Bak kate pepatah "jauh panggang dari api". Bangga cikgu BM aku tgok aku tulis cengginih. \(",)/
Ape reaksi korang biler seseorang bgtau ko cmni?
Anonymous: Nep, ko kahwin je la dgn XXXX tuh. Aku tgk ko dgn die mmg da lama kawan.
AK: Hurmm.............. (nada perlahan)
Anonymous: Kita nie kan nep, kekadang xleh nak memilih sangat. Aku tgk XXXX tuh pon cantik ape. Kire okay lah tuh.
AK: Hurm... (again)
Anonymous: Okay la nep, nanti kalo ade pape, bgtau lah.
AK: Haaaa, okay2. Nti sy bgtau.
Kah kah kah. Aku kena bahan je manjang. Aku pon xtau nak ckp ape. (Speechless)
Ape kriteria gadis pilihan korang??? Aku sebenarnye cam segan bincang tajuk nie secara terbuka. Tp sejak 2 menjak nie, ade beberapa orang duk hint2 kat aku. Tp aku wat derk je. Haha. Sbb pada aku, belum lagi kowt nak pikir pasal kahwin nie. Awek pon xde, nak kahwin lagi la. Bak kate pepatah "jauh panggang dari api". Bangga cikgu BM aku tgok aku tulis cengginih. \(",)/
Ape reaksi korang biler seseorang bgtau ko cmni?
Anonymous: Nep, ko kahwin je la dgn XXXX tuh. Aku tgk ko dgn die mmg da lama kawan.
AK: Hurmm.............. (nada perlahan)
Anonymous: Kita nie kan nep, kekadang xleh nak memilih sangat. Aku tgk XXXX tuh pon cantik ape. Kire okay lah tuh.
AK: Hurm... (again)
Anonymous: Okay la nep, nanti kalo ade pape, bgtau lah.
AK: Haaaa, okay2. Nti sy bgtau.
Kah kah kah. Aku kena bahan je manjang. Aku pon xtau nak ckp ape. (Speechless)
Tuesday, August 28
Mencari dan terus mencari.
Salam. Lama sungguh tajuk nie duk terperap dalam kepala hotak aku. Aku mmg dah lama nak menulis pasal ape yg berlaku kat aku dalam 3 bulan ke belakang nie. Okay.
Chapter 1: Hartalega Sdn Bhd (June - July)
Aku xtau la aku dah/blom citer kat korang pasal aku punye kontrak dah abes n aku kena cari kerja utk terus survive. Okay. Camni jer, aku cari pnye cari kerja. (lama tau cari n sampai redha je ape nak jd) dapat la aku kerja kat kilang nie. Kilang nie wat glove kat BB.(tempat dirahsiakan). Kat sini aku tugas aku senang je, kena uruskan gudang barang-siap (baca: finished-goods) sebelum dihantar kepada pelanggan. Pada aku cara kerja okay la. Tp mungkin jiwa aku xsesuai duk kat environment kilang, so, aku pon mmg kerja dgn tanpa rasa passion-to-work. My bad. ;'( Dalam pada aku dah masuk kerja kat sini, aku ada receive beberapa job interview invitation. Ade yg aku tolak mentah2 sbb aku xberapa minat. Tapi, ade 1 yg btol2 menarik minat aku utk pergi cuba-try-test-tengok. ----------->>>>SIME DARBY!!!!! Aku pon dgn berbesar hati kelentong boss aku, sbb aku nak mtk cuti. Siot la kerja kilang, susah nak mampos cuti.
Nie ade 1 citer best (pada aku), 25 july adelah hari penentu aku utk menukar arah kerjaya.
10 am : aku dpt email dari SD. Dorg ckp yg aku xdpt utk vacancy tuh. Aku frust giler weyh, sbb aku mmg nak chow dari kilang tuh.
11 am: Aku pujuk hati aku dgn ckp "takpe nep, mungkin tuhan ade yg lagi baik utk ko. nie rezeki budak yg dapat tuh"
12 pm: Aku dapat call dari SME bank. Dorg ckp aku dpt utk join program trainee dorg selama 3 bulan. (FYI: Interview utk program nie hujung bulan May)
3 pm: Aku terus wat surat resign, terus gi jmpe boss aku. Ape nak jadi, jadi la. Sbb xkan la kiter nak jaga hati org, tapi kiter yg merana. Aku tau boss aku yg tolong bwk aku masuk kilang tuh. Tapi, what to do boss, this place is not suitable for me.
Aku join SME 30 July. Kat sini, aku jadi trainee balik, eventhough aku da pernah jai trainee, aku jadi je la. Haha. Seb baek 3 bulan je. Biler dah jadi trainee nie, mmg ramai la member ko kenal. Dalam batch aku, ade ramai member. Dorg semua sporting. Mmg sempoi abes. Baru beberapa minggu, rase macam dah kenal lama. Haha. Kat sini aku punye job scope pasal kredit. Cara kerja mmg macam zaman belajar dulu. Kena wat assignment. Ade deadline. Kena submit paperwork kat loan committee. (macam lecturer la).
Okay, berbalik pada cerita pasal aku. Baru seminggu aku masuk, aku dapat unexpected call dari SIME DARBY. Dorg ckp ade berita gembira. Aku tanye la, berita ape nye? Die balas, Can you come to interview next Monday? Director want to meet u. Aku jd serba salah. Mmg la kan. Ape ke gile nye. Aku baru masuk kerja Isnin, Jumaat tuh org suh dtg interview. What the effffff??? Terus aku discuss balik dgn die, aku tanye betol2, ape chance aku utk dpt kalo aku pergi? Sbb aku xnak gamble career aku. Siot giler. Time tuh aku mmg ikut gerak hati je.
Isnin tuh aku pergi la ke interview. Gua wat rilek je. Malas nak beriya sgt. Takut xdpt. Kalo xdpt, xde la frust nonggeng lagi. :( hurm, die tanye, gua jawab. Setel semua. aku pon chow sin chee la. (aku pon xtau ape maksud nie, tp bunyi cambest! haha)
Selang 2 hari lepas tuh, aku dapat berita gembira. (#uknowwhatimean) <----- bajet twitter. hahaha. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Aku dapat utk position tuh.
AK: Pada aku, aku percaya dan yakin dengan kuasa ALLAH S.W.T. Sbb die boleh bagi macam tuh je rezeki kat ko kalo die nak bagi. Itu pon selepas die bagi ujian kat ko. Kepada para pembaca, jika anda sedang mencari kerja, jika dapat kerja, pergilah dulu tempat tu, mungkin ade hikmah utk kite berjumpa dgn seseorg di tempat itu. Ingat, JODOH, PERTEMUAN, AJAL & MAUT semua di tangan tuhan.
job hunting,
Sunday, August 5
Career : What really suits you?
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My big dreams! Hope it will. Amin! |
This description is a generalisation. If it rings true, you've found your career type.
You would most enjoy a career that allows you to meet new people. You would also be happiest in a career that allows you to be free and flexible, and allows you to be extremely creative. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
- Stockbroker
- Secretary
- Receptionist
- Director
- Recruitment Consultant
- Politician
- Marketing
- Human Resources Manager
- Religious Minister
- Teacher
- Lawyer
- Advertising
- Consultant
- Financial Adviser
- Financial Planner
- GP
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Public Relations
- Estate Agent
- Travel Agent
- Restauranteur/Hotel Manager
- Events Organiser
You are a great leader. You genuinely enjoy being around other people. Your relationships with others are very important to you. You love talking and meeting new people. You are very enthusiastic about work and about all that you do and have in your life. You love being the focus of attention. You enjoy a fast pace. You are very socially oriented. Therefore, you are much happier being with others than you are alone. You crave interaction with others.
You are very spontaneous and often act before you think. You are always quick to answer when you are asked a question, even if you aren't sure of the answer. It is easier for you to improvise as you go along. You enjoy thinking out loud, and are most creative when brainstorming with friends or colleagues. You enjoy being involved in many activities.
You are very easy to read, and often wear your heart on your sleeve. You are never afraid to tell people what you think. You are very empathetic and genuine. You can sometimes be seen as over-emotional or too involved by others. But that is only because you tend to get so involved in the things you do that they become personal. You want to be adored, loved and appreciated. You like to please others and to make sure people are happy.
You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative. You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.
You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don't like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.
Finding a career that is right for you isn't always an easy thing. However, if you secure a job that is suited to your personality type you will enjoy going to work, feel great about yourself, feel appreciated and look forward to what's ahead.
This test was adapted from C. G. Jung's famous personality types.
AK: I just want to share with u guys about this. Since i'm not really sure what is my passion to work.
Monday, April 16
Pic-blog : SD Corporate Video
Tgk tajuk pon da boleh agak aku nak citer pasal ape. Aku dpt offer utk berlakon dlm SDI corporate video. Dlm video nie, aku pegang watak sebagai engineer tp zaman 70-an. Aku dgn lagi sorg jd engineer n bincang nak plan buat ape kat kawasan2 nie. So, after dah discuss, tempat tuh pon membangun. Dorg gunakan produk SDI (heavy equipment) utk build tempat. My 1st experience, really tired but best. Actually, penat tggu n kena ulang balik scene sama.
Baru siap pakai wardrobe utk shooting.
Old-timer scene shooting.
This is my scene in the corporate video. My role as engineer in year 70's.
The Director.
Close-up scene. Aku xbape suke, sbb lama gler dorg shoot dekat muka aku. Harey tol. Hahaha.
Dtg shooting dgn #Wan (baju belang-belang). Die temankan aje. Seb baek ade member teman. At last, die pon jd extra gak, tp nampak scene kaki je, Ok what, ko ade?? ahaha.
AK: Nie one of my best experience in Sime Darby. Eventhough it is not really that impact, but I'm proud to represent company. ;)
Wednesday, April 11
Pic-blog : Happy Birthday to me! ;)
10 April adalah hari kelahiran aku. Penat mak aku mengandung 9 bulan akhirnya keluar jugak aku ke dunia. Tahun nie aku smbut birthday yg ke 23. eh? kejap je dah 23 tahun dah. Enjoy the pic je lah. \(",)/
10 April adalah hari kelahiran aku. Penat mak aku mengandung 9 bulan akhirnya keluar jugak aku ke dunia. Tahun nie aku smbut birthday yg ke 23. eh? kejap je dah 23 tahun dah. Enjoy the pic je lah. \(",)/
Birthday Card from Sime Darby Industrial. ;)
Lunch sponsored by Kak Zue. Thank you so much Kak!
A slice of cake for myself is really enough.
Hadiah from my sister. With 50% voucher from my friend. Thank you #wanwaja for the voucher. :)
Special dedicated pic from my best friend in France. Thank you Haris. Really appreciate for remembering my birthday.
From my mom with lot of LOVE. Thank you mak. Love u so much! ;)
Dinner treat by my sister. Thanx by the way.
AK: Itu saja buat masa nie. Nti upload lagi pic-blog. Stay tuned! Eheh.
Sunday, April 8
Memburu kerjaya
Sabtu baru nie aku pergi la TM career fair. Bertempat di menara rebung, bangsar. Aku pergi petang. Disebabkan bukan niatku utk mtk kerja, aku just bwk resume n berpakaian sempoi. (jeans + tshirt).
sampai kat sana da pukul 4 ptg. Actually, process flow of how to get involved kind of suck man! seriously! you dont even know where to register.
The register will be: u get passport. Then, need stamp chop from career talk room b4 proceed to job application room.
Hurm, luckily career talk tuh slot pasal interview. It quite interesting to know do's & dont's during interview.
Okay. Done with that part. Pastuh, aku rasa mmg cm malas je nak masuk. Just nak tgk2 okay je kowt.
#job search area
Masuk2 je. Aku tgk byk la booth yg ade. Ikut subsidiaries tm. Aku jalan je. Without any intention, aku jalan je. Tetiba.
"Sales, sales. Adik nak wat sales x?"
"ade post ape kak?"
"account executive. Kena jaga customer.boleh la kalo nak resume"
"okay gak. Nah resume."
#pre-assessment area
Okay. Time to know people. They might be your opponent. But, just be friend. :-) suwiitt kan? hahaha.
Biler da siap test. Tggu result. Dapat result. Aku pass utk g interview. Happy nye dgr weyh. Tp, die suh dtg ari ahad. Sbb interview da abes utk hari sbtu.
#hari ahad.
Interview suppose on 10 am. but its depends on "first come, first serve" basis. So, aku xbrani nak pergi dulu kat tm. Sbb aku takut xsmpat g tmpat shooting. At last, aku xdapat pergi interview. Sbb, shooting utk SD corporate video abes lambat. Omg! rugi giler aku rase. Really cant make it.
AK: mungkin bukan rezeki aku kat TM, tp jobscope yg agak menarik. Next time around maybe TM.
sampai kat sana da pukul 4 ptg. Actually, process flow of how to get involved kind of suck man! seriously! you dont even know where to register.
The register will be: u get passport. Then, need stamp chop from career talk room b4 proceed to job application room.
Hurm, luckily career talk tuh slot pasal interview. It quite interesting to know do's & dont's during interview.
Okay. Done with that part. Pastuh, aku rasa mmg cm malas je nak masuk. Just nak tgk2 okay je kowt.
#job search area
Masuk2 je. Aku tgk byk la booth yg ade. Ikut subsidiaries tm. Aku jalan je. Without any intention, aku jalan je. Tetiba.
"Sales, sales. Adik nak wat sales x?"
"ade post ape kak?"
"account executive. Kena jaga customer.boleh la kalo nak resume"
"okay gak. Nah resume."
#pre-assessment area
Okay. Time to know people. They might be your opponent. But, just be friend. :-) suwiitt kan? hahaha.
Biler da siap test. Tggu result. Dapat result. Aku pass utk g interview. Happy nye dgr weyh. Tp, die suh dtg ari ahad. Sbb interview da abes utk hari sbtu.
#hari ahad.
Interview suppose on 10 am. but its depends on "first come, first serve" basis. So, aku xbrani nak pergi dulu kat tm. Sbb aku takut xsmpat g tmpat shooting. At last, aku xdapat pergi interview. Sbb, shooting utk SD corporate video abes lambat. Omg! rugi giler aku rase. Really cant make it.
AK: mungkin bukan rezeki aku kat TM, tp jobscope yg agak menarik. Next time around maybe TM.
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4
Wednesday, April 4
Mirror Mirror
An evil queen steals control of a kingdom and an exiled princess enlists the help of seven resourceful rebels to win back her birthright.
AK: cerite yg kelakar. lagi2 masa permaisuri nak mekap guna ulat bagai. 7 dwarfpon kelakor gak. hahaha. scene last xleh blah, nak nyanyi lagu bollywood. siap menari la. tp duk ulang lirik sama je.
Tuesday, April 3
Memburu kerjaya
Minggu lepas aku n akak aku pergi MCTF Jobstreet 2012 kat midvalley. 1st time aku pergi career fair jobstreet. It okay for me since my first time. Tujuan aku pergi nie sbb nak cari peluang kerjaya yg ade. (amacam bm aku? A+ beb) hahaha...
okay. get back on track. actually masa aku nak tnye vacancy pon cm agak confuse sket la. bende nie jadi sbb aku nye qualifications lain, kerja wat lain. but somehow, ade la jugak indirectly related.
A: Hi, I'm looking for marketing related job. Do you have any vacancy at the moment?
Company: Yeah, you can check this brochure. / Ahhhh... At the moment, our marketing team did not require any staff.
A: Oh, okay. What about purchasing, inventory and warehousing?
Company: Errrrr................
A: Aaaaa..... Actually, my qualification is in Marketing, but then, my working experience is in purchasing/inventory/warehousing.
Pastuh, bergantung la pada company tuh. Ade yg ade vacancy, ade yg x.
Aku pergi career fair nie 2 kali tau. 2 times u-know! haha. xtau la dpt x.
1st day; Sabtu:
Just walk around and take a look je company ape yg join. lagipon, aku smpai lambat. kol 5 baru smpai. mmg xdpt la nak round sgt. event smpai kol 7 je. masa nie aku sempat singgah beberapa booth je. Thanks to Maybank, CWA and DKSH.
Just to share; kat booth DKSH, recruiter recognize me b'coz she said she remember me last year. Attending interview as Sales & Marketing Trainee Programme (SMTP) last year make she remember me. Im so touched at that moment. HAHAHAHA. Xsangka aku.
2nd day; Ahad:
Hari nie penuh iltizam dan semangat jitu. Nak bersungguh giler nie. Aku walk around lagi. Kali nie aku jalan asing2 dgn akak aku. Die nak tgk bhgn post graduate. Mule2 aku g ler kat Hartalega, dialog sama je dgn atas. Tetibe die ckp ade post utk warehouse, konon nak plan interview terus dgn manager warehouse. aku pon okay je la. Tetibe akak aku cari lak, n boss tuh tgh inteview org. oh dem, rugi my chance weyh. Actually, kalo bukan luck aku kat situ pon xpe, aku nak attend interview je. Just to build up my confidence. HAHAHA.
Okay2, pastuh aku ade la drop resume kat beberapa booth yg aku rase menarik. CIMB, NESTLE, IKEA, JTI, LB Aluminium, but not really much la. Ade yg not accepting hardcopy. They prefer online. I don't know actually how it works.
p/s:Iim not really know which is the best method to apply job. It can be email, mail, drop at booth during career fair, via job portal i.e: Jobstreet, or GUNA CABLE JE. hahaha. How lucky la you have so much cable. Me? I dont have any. Be fair and equal to everyone. I believe if it is written for me to be in that company, they will call me for interview. ALLAH knows everything.
Sunday, April 1
This Means WAR!
This Means War is a story where 2 best CIA spy is having relationship with one women. They need to win the women heart let THE BEST MAN WIN! ;)
AK: cerita yg menari, kelakar dan sgt enjoy. Walopon cerita yg agak ringkas, ttpi skrip best . Pelakon pon best! hahahaha.. Korg kena g tgk.
The Vow
A car accident puts Paige (McAdams) in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe memory loss, her husband Leo (Tatum) works to win her heart again.
AK: Cerita cinta-romantik nie sgt sesuai tgk dgn pasangan hati. eheh. xla, kalo tgk sorg2 pon xpe. layan feeling sensorang je. hahaha. ;)
Tuesday, January 24
Bujang Terlajak
Semalam tgk wayang citer nie satu family. Mmg kelakar giler, lawak. jalan citer ok. sy syorkan * eceh* utk korg tgk citer nie. *tgn tunjuk bagus mcm kacang ngan yin*
Ok, selamat menonton!
Tidur seperti bayi

Kekadang aku jeles je tgk baby tido.
Dorg tido nyenyak je kowt.
Xyah pikir masalah, problems, ape nak wat sumer.
Seolah2 dorg je ade dlm dunia dorg.
Ehehe. mcm ne nak dptkan tido yg nyenyak ye??
Kalo aku, biase nye kalo aku penat nak mamp.. baru dpt tido nyenyak.
Tp biasenye aku susah nak tido, mata da ngantok. tp xnak tido lagi.
So ape pendapat korg?? any idea nak share.
meh la sini bgtau.. -.-"
AK: rindu la nak tido nyenyak n bgn pagi2 rasa fresh giler.
Friday, January 20
Contraband : Mark
Hello setiapbadan (baca:everybody), lama xdgr citer.ehe. kay2 saja nak share movie review sket.
Contraband nie citer pasal seorg lelaki yg nk selamatkan family die dari org jahat. (biasa la, xkan org baek lak). hurm, die kena sorokkan something utk selamatkan family die. tagline die : what would you hide to protect your family?
AK: sape yg belm tgk tuh, g la tgk. aku suke tgk filem mark wahlberg sbb die stailo! milo kurang manis satu. k bye!
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